Why do I feel like this?

Do you often find yourself wondering “where did that come from?” after suddenly expressing a volcanic eruption of unpleasant words or feelings to someone or yourself?  

sore muscle relief with kinesiology central coast

Maybe your body is stuck with a niggle, bent, twisted or stopped in one position, or you feel unable to walk for a couple of days just from picking up a tissue?!

Sometimes things may seem to jump out of nowhere, or creep up on us when our backs are turned.

It can be like a bucket.  Little bits and pieces of life that cause us some distress, can slowly fill our inner buckets.  If we don’t empty them out regularly, they can begin to spew out, leak, or erupt. 

empty that bucket with kinesiology central coast

Recognise that feeling?

Empty that Bucket

To put it simply, Kinesiologists and Integrated Therapists, help to empty out those buckets. 

Our aim is to help you get rid of all that rubbish, before any stored emotions or stressed body parts become unstable, uncomfortable, painful, or out of control. 

Emptying out our buckets can be a form of insurance, prevention and/or hope.

Do modern-day humans with full lives, tend to prioritise other stuff and people, and neglect themselves? 

Are you one of those?! 

We may not hear our mind and bodies whispering their needs to us. 

The whisper may slowly increase in volume, continuing to be ignored, until it is raised to a full on SCREAM.  It may be only then can we hear it. 

Sometimes we are forced to be stopped in our tracks, by our bodies and minds just so we are encouraged to listen.  Even then, we may seek a magic pill to just fix it

Magic Pill?

Knowing what makes us: laugh; cry; cringe; react; cause pain; push our buttons; prevent us from resting; etc, may be the real magical pill we seek. 

Kinesiology on the Central Coast balances spirit and soul

When we can tap into our own resources and invest the time to find out who we really are, we are more likely to see signs and opportunities. 

We can then move from just coping, managing, and existing, to opening up our senses, being aware, and truly thriving.

As the wise old Aristotle says…

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”… Aristotle.

Unresolved emotions from any event, trauma, accident, stress, thoughts, feelings, etc, may become stored in our bodies in some form. 

gaining balance with Kinesiology central coast

All our body wants to do, and is designed to do, is repair itself and return to homeostasis.  When tension and stress is present this is generally not possible, especially when the stressor builds and builds over time. 

Reducing Tension and Stress

A stress may be emotional, physical, biochemical or electromagnetic.

A little twist here, a slight bend there, our body tries to protect us and do the best it can in the situation, and may result in changing our shape. 

Our bodies can only use the available resources present. 

If there are unfulfilled basic needs, a disruption in nutrition, hydration, relaxation, detoxification, or something else, then tension can grab us. 

Restrictions may squeeze us, weak spots or heat and inflammation may develop, all of which can overload us, blocking or disrupting tubes and pathways, further stressing our overall system. 

It is time to empty our buckets.

empty your bucket with kinesiology central coast

We would love to assist you through the challenging times.  To help you soothe your ups and downs, and feel more comfortable being you. 

Have a read, get a feel for your needs and if you feel drawn to work with Mandy… let’s do this…

Our Aim…

Would you like to come to a place…

…where a chaotic, overwhelmed or busy mind can be soothed and calmed like the setting sun.

feel calm with kinesiology tascott

…to find inner peace and stillness.  Settling and soothing a troubled raging storm beast of uncertainty and challenges, into smooth, clear and confident, calm water.

…to gain a lightness sense of being on holiday within ourselves, as we go about our daily activities, chores, work, schooling, hobbies and everything that fills our lives.

…for getting to know and understand how to be comfortable as ourselves, both alone and within our relationships.

…where anything can be voiced, fully expressed and aired.  To make friends with yourself.

…to be able to gently reduce the pressure and boiling over of emotions such as shame, guilt, embarrassment, stupidity, unrealistic expectations, and fear of failing, towards feeling clear, confident and calm.

We are more likely to remain clear, confident, comfortable, calm, coordinated and centred, by getting to know ourselves and forming a real relationship with ourself. 

It is Time…

It is time to understand ourselves.

It is time to listen to, and hear our inner whispers of knowing.

Together we can explore this place, and discover all the insights that your wise body and soul has to offer you.

It is time to reach out. 

Allow yourself to be guided through your storms, and to sit comfortably in the centre of your power, being your peaceful self.

It is time to be your brave true self.

Optimus True Being, Mandy Wheen Kinesiology and Integrated Therapy